Nama Blog | Technorati rank | Platform |
Perez Hilton | 18 | Wordpress |
Problogger | 46 | Wordpress |
Chris Brogan | 69 | Wordpress |
Zen Habits | 77 | Wordpress |
Copyblogger | 89 | Wordpress |
Think Progress | 27 | Wordpress |
VentureBeat | 56 | Wordpress |
/Film | 80 | Wordpress |
Global Voices Online | 95 | Wordpress |
The Caucus Blog - NYTimes | 22 | Wordpress |
Bits Blog - NYTimes | 51 | Wordpress |
Freakonomics - NYTimes | 70 | Wordpress |
Pajamas Media | 45 | Wordpress |
Just jared | 86 | Wordpress |
Smitten Kitchen | 97 | Wordpress |
Hot Air | 48 | Wordpress |
Neatorama | 59 | Wordpress |
TechCrunch | 2 | Wordpress |
Smashing Magazine | 10 | Wordpress |
Washington Wire - WSJ | 38 | Wordpress |
Michelle Malkin | 39 | Wordpress |
Daily Blog Tips | 63 | Wordpress |
Yanko Design | 81 | Wordpress |
Mashable | 11 | Wordpress |
Roy Tanck’s weblog | 20 | Wordpress |
CrunchGear | 49 | Wordpress |
Delicious:days | 99 | Wordpress |
Popwatch | 76 | Typepad |
Seth’s Blog | 14 | Typepad |
The Daily Dish | 21 | Typepad |
Threat Level - Wired Blogs | 24 | Typepad |
Gadget Lab - Wired Blogs | 26 | Typepad |
Wired Science - Wired Blogs | 31 | Typepad |
The Pioneer Woman | 32 | Typepad |
Listening Post -Wired Blogs | 52 | Typepad |
Political Radar | 53 | Typepad |
The Underwire - Wired Blogs | 57 | Typepad |
Epicenter - Wired Blogs | 60 | Typepad |
Danger Room - Wired Blogs | 61 | Typepad |
Geekdad - Wired Blogs | 71 | Typepad |
How to Change the World | 73 | Typepad |
Marginal Revolution | 82 | Typepad |
Game | Life - Wired Blogs | 93 | Typepad |
Engadget | 4 | Blogsmith |
TMZ | 23 | Blogsmith |
Joystiq | 25 | Blogsmith |
BloggingStocks | 29 | Blogsmith |
TUAW | 30 | Blogsmith |
Cinematical | 33 | Blogsmith |
Gadling | 36 | Blogsmith |
Download Squad | 37 | Blogsmith |
TV Squad | 40 | Blogsmith |
Autoblog | 43 | Blogsmith |
Slashfood | 47 | Blogsmith |
Luxist | 85 | Blogsmith |
Engadget Mobile | 94 | Blogsmith |
Engadget Japanese | 100 | Blogsmith |
Power Line Blog | 96 | Movable Type |
Huffington Post | 1 | Movable Type |
Talking Points Memo | 35 | Movable Type |
Gothamist | 66 | Movable Type |
Beppe Grillo’s Blog | 74 | Movable Type | | 78 | Movable Type |
Microsiervos | 79 | Movable Type |
Stereogum | 91 | Movable Type |
TreeHugger | 28 | Movable Type |
Pharyngula | 92 | Movable Type |
ReadWriteWeb | 15 | Movable Type |
Boing Boing | 5 | Movable Type |
Gizmodo | 3 | Gawker Media platform |
Lifehacker | 6 | Gawker Media platform |
Gawker | 12 | Gawker Media platform |
Kotaku | 34 | Gawker Media platform |
Consumerist | 50 | Gawker Media platform |
Valleywag | 67 | Gawker Media platform |
Defamer | 87 | Gawker Media platform |
Deadspin | 88 | Gawker Media platform |
Apartment Therapy | 65 | Custom |
Seeking Alpha | 72 | Custom |
Ars Technica | 9 | Custom |
The Corner on NRO | 44 | Custom |
Google Blogoscoped | 58 | Custom |
MacRumors | 75 | Custom |
A List Apart | 83 | Custom |
Ben Smith’s Blog | 41 | Custom |
GigaOM | 55 | |
I Can Has Cheezburger? | 13 | |
CNN Political Ticker | 17 | |
Scobleizer | 84 | |
Swampland - TIME | 90 | |
Dooce | 42 | Drupal |
NewsBusters | 62 | Drupal |
Crooks and Liars | 64 | Drupal |
43 Folders | 98 | Drupal |
The Official Google Blog | 7 | Blogger |
PostSecret | 16 | Blogger |
The Sartorialist | 54 | Blogger |
Glenn Greenwald - | 68 | Bricolage |
Gigazine | 19 | Expression Engine |
Daily Kos | 8 | Scoop |
Home / Inspirasi / TOP 100 Blogger
TOP 100 Blogger
by Zoul on 20 April 2009
Cuba tengok senarai Top 100 Blog (dunia) dan platform yang digunakan...Aku nak melawat diorang lepastu aku nak cilok ilmu dari diorang dan lepastu aku nak tersenarai dalam top 100 juga.. isk isk isk tak habis-habis berangan.. { hu hu hu cuma 3 yang gunakan Blogger macam aku}
{ 32 comments... read them below or add one }
pergh..bnyk platform yg x diketahui..
igtkan setakat blogspot, wordpress, ngan typepad je..rupanya banyak lagi..
rajinnyerr engko mengelist/meletak link/menaip
amiin..mnx blog cuiit msuk top 100
leh blanje aku makan pastuh
haha... ok la 2... sikit ari lg... campor dgn aku... jdk la 5 blogger... lalala~
wah, tingginye target.. apa kata ko target kalahkn blog che det ngan paul tan dulu..
bilew la nak jadi cam dierg
Apakata kita pulak buat satu lagi platform...hik hik
Cookie Monster
Bukan setakat makan... makan beradab pun bleh tau.. hu hu
Boleh2 nanti kita war-warkan kat Astro yek.. he he
cuit~ ngam jgk idea nak buat satu platform tu.
bd fabregas
tengah dalam proses la nih.. wakaka!! (ketawa jahat)
Shitsurei shimashita
Jom seriously kita buat satu lagi platform nak?
Mari kita buat satu group yang targetkan nak jadi macam diorang... amacam?
rajin ko compile pastu link ek... huhuhu
banyak tu
Monkey D Luffy
Hu hu .. aku kene perli ker nih..? Tapi ko lg rajin ma.. semua follower punya link ada sidebar tuh...
apa link akau x de
haha, aku pun berangan gk nk ada
eh naper aku punya x tersenarai?? hahahaha....
kui kui kui... aku hantam jer..
Eh... check bebetul.. adalah.. ko tak perasan kot.. hi hi
aku dah cek. rupernyer ranking 101. patutlah x tersenarai... hehehe
Fuiyooo...101 ok tuh.. aku punya hikayat 1001 mlm jer.. hua hua hua
hehehe... hikayat 1001 mlm lg best. tu top 1 dlm ranking tu...
Kapan aku bisa masuk jajaran 100 besar dunia yah?
Nice info :)
Wakaka... aku kena pegi baghdad.. aduss!
Bisa aja dong.. kan yang utama usahanya.. bener nggak?
hahaha.. boleh g tolong skali org2 kat Iraq sana. kalo jumpa lampu aladin, mintak semua tentera penceroboh mati keras...
Ha ha ha.. kalau dah jumpa lampu aladin, bukan tu jer yang aku mintak... aku nak mintak google, worpress ngan microsoft jd ana yang punya... ha ha ha
pergh... kalo mcm tu bole jd multi billionaire la. pas tu aku nak pinjam barang sehari dua lampu ajaib tu.. hehehe
he he.. tak yah pinjam, aku mintak jin tu buat satu lagi.. bagi kat hang..k tak?
bijak sungguh hang ni Nazz.. ;)
naper nama blog aku takde kat atas??? erk...hehehe...
Hrrmmmm.... (malu2 kucing)
Eh..ha'a la.. nanti aku check ngan technorati dulu ek..
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